3/30/2007 |
As part of my job I work with local and area high schools, as I'm sure I've mentioned before. One of the things that I've learned by doing so was where I'd send my child to school. Like most cities, there are good and bad schools. Pros and cons to each school. We have been in a few schools that have had Alternative Schools in addition to their high school. The student make-up is much different for the alternative schools now, than it was when I was in school. In my small town the school options were the high school or catholic school. If you washed out of one you could go to the other. It was rare in such a small town that people would flunk out of both schools. But that was just it... Alternative schools were for those who flunked out. Not necessarily for behavioral issues. That sorta of thing was dealt with either through in-school suspensions or expulsion if it was really serious. I was surprised to see kids in the alternative schools for reasons other than academics. Behavioral didn't surprise me... Social issues did. Medical issues did. A teacher said that some students were their because of medical issues such as allergies or diabetes. The reasoning being that the public school wasn't meeting their needs because of their health issues? I was curious. How bad could a persons health be that public school wouldn't meet their needs; but alternative school could? One teacher reported there was a student who was alternative school because he was ostracized for being gay. What surprised me about this was that a school would see this as an acceptable course of action. He wasn't in danger of flunking out. But because of "social issues" he opted for alternative school. Now this isn't to say that being out and in high school is easy. I have no basis to talk about how hard that might be in high school. I wasn't out until afterward. Yet, even then... I'm surprised a school would choose to allow alternative school as a way to handle the situation. On the way back from a school the other day my coworkers and I were discussing where we'd want our kids to go to school. A couple people said they were opt for private schools over public school. Some preferred the quieter more affluent schools. My option was for a more diverse setting for a school. Whether that is diverse in education or population I'm fine with both or either. Part of my concern would be a child with gay parents would have a difficult enough time. Kids can be cruel. I wouldn't want a school environment where he or she might be ostracized because of his home life. Based on the schools that I've seen so far I think that is less likely to happen in a more diverse environment. Going to the alternative school really made me think. I feel for the kids. I honestly do. Some people may not have the best choices made for them when they are too young to make their own choices. Then to grow up and continue to make poor choices because that is all you know... it'd rough. I'm glad there are schools out there that are willing to handle anyone that may come in their doors.Labels: future, school, work |
I posted this @ 3/30/2007 12:06:00 PM.............Need a link?..........
3/28/2007 |
Perhaps I'm naive or blindly optimistic or too much of a dreamer... but it surprises me when faced with blatant racism and other prejudices.
The other day, as we were walking to lunch, we walked passed a construction site on campus. My job is a very international place with lots of medical students from all around the globe. During lunch it isn't uncommon to find table of people speaking a language that isn't English. Anyway... heading the other direction passed the construction site were two gentlemen with wearing the headwraps of some Middle Eastern country. A construction worker leaned out of the cab of his crane and yelled. "Where's your bomb? D'you gotta bomb?! Where's your bomb?"
The two men continued to walk on. I don't know if they didn't hear him... didn't understand him... didn't pay attention to him or what. Either way, it was crazy to think that someone could be so overtly offensive in such a public manner.
We stopped. Watching the scene play out. A co-worker took it upon himself to inform the construction worker that his actions where uncalled for an highly inappropriate. Taking a step further, he called the construction company to speak to the guys boss about his employee's behavior. Even without a name the boss said he knew who my co-worker was talking about.
A couple of things I thought... 1) Did the boss know who he was talking about because of past complaints? 2) Have their been past complaints and yet the guy is still working there? 3) Does being a racist not matter in job world?
I have a feeling the guy won't have much happen other than a "talkin' too" by the boss or some supervisor. It's sad that on such a ethnically diverse campus that anyone would have to put up with people like that. I think it reflects poorly on the institution as a whole. Even tho it was a hired construction worker and not a campus employee.Labels: introspective, offensive, work |
I posted this @ 3/28/2007 01:49:00 PM.............Need a link?..........
3/27/2007 |
In no particular order...
The word 'tween' Non-ironic shortening of names and uses of combined celebrity names (Brangelina) Perez Hilton 'News' about Anna Nicole Ryan Seacrest. I know I'm in the minority here. Therapy for being an asshole. Taco Bell drive-thrus who no longer ask what you want to order, but instead greet you like old friends. Molecular Gastronomy. I hate you Marcel! I don't my berries cryogenically frozen to enhance their flavor. The lack of Project Runway. I need my Tim Gunn. Restaurants who sing for your birthday. Just give me my free molten lava cake.Labels: funny, lists |
I posted this @ 3/27/2007 11:54:00 AM.............Need a link?..........
So I had a couple juice cups that were left over from a morning meeting... the juice was probably not the highest quality juice. It contained 15% juice overall. 'Juice' from such exotic locations as Canada, China, Argentina, Germany, and Chile... and was fortified with Vitamin G. It might have been a smudge or a typo, but I don't think there is a Vitamin G.
*I needed a juice song title reference, but this was the best I could do without my 100% recommended daily allowance of Vitamin G.Labels: funny |
I posted this @ 3/27/2007 07:55:00 AM.............Need a link?..........
3/26/2007 |
It's common to excuse yourself after a burp or sneeze. Sometimes even a hacking cough will prompt acknowledgement of the interruptive sound. I should know. I have a noisy body.
My body is constantly making noises that I'm not sure if anyone else can hear. When I have a lot of congestion or a head cold my ears will depressurize. When I drink a carbonated beverage my throat gurgles. My stomach digests loudly. My body is always rumbling with some noise or another.
In the course of an average day most people wouldn't notice the sounds their body makes because of other noises going on around them. Yet, in a small office, shared by three people, the noises might as well be cymbal crashes and canons firing in the 1812 Overture.
I find myself saying "excuse me" a lot. Finally a coworker asked what I was excusing. She never heard me burp. She didn't think I was farting in the office. What was I excusing? I explained my noise body and how I wasn't sure what anyone 'outside my head' was able to hear.
Cute Teacher and I are comfortable enough around each other that I don't think he'd be wigged out by a little gas (in one form or another). But when we are sitting on the couch and my stomach decides to make itself known. Nothing flatulent, mind you. Just 'normal' body noises for me. I'm the noisiest person I know.
If I don't set my alarm, it is usually my stomach growling that wakes me up eventually. It is a cruel master. It demands food when it demands it.
Shhh! I bet you can hear my body growling for a donut right now.Labels: health |
I posted this @ 3/26/2007 07:08:00 AM.............Need a link?..........
3/20/2007 |
I'm still fielding questions.
I'll give this a little while and the compile all the questions to be answered in a post later.
Feel free to ask anything anonymously or otherwise.Labels: meme |
I posted this @ 3/20/2007 10:26:00 AM.............Need a link?..........
Ok, this is the part where I assure you that I'm not on drugs. At least not recreational ones. This dream was not induced by anything other than my vivid imagination as I fought for sleep while I fought a head cold. It started out rather Farscape-esque. I was one of the few survivors of a space-hijacking. As I tired to get away with my fellow crew mates we all ended up separated. I stowed away in a tiny escape pod, which I eventually figured out how to fly. As I took off, I remember feeling a sense of panic as to where I was going to go. I had no idea where I was at or which way was 'home'. I started flying erratically as I learned to fly the escape pod. Once I got the hang of things I found myself coming up on casino. A space casino... Once again... not on drugs. I docked and made my way inside. Some of the machines were HUGE built for people way larger than I am. I hit the jackpot on a machine that was part slot / part Texas hold 'em. As the attendants came around to cash out my winnings, I noticed they were human. Remember... Farscape-ian. They asked if I was on their mailing list for free bonus coupons or some such nonsense. It came of quite sarcastically when I said... "You send mailings to Nebraska?" As she thumbed through some booklet she had, she said that yes indeed the do occasionally send mailings there, but rarely get any business for so far away. I asked where the hell I was and she laugh and pointed out the window. We were on a space station that was orbiting a planet. The planet was partially covered in metal. Think of it like if you took a baseball cut off part of the outer covering and replaced it with metal plating of some kind. She explained where I was, but not where I was in relation to Earth. She told me where I could find a hotel for the time being til I got my affairs in order and figured out how I was going to get off this planet. I took my ship down to the planet. It was semi-futuristic. Some car traveling along a road like normal, while some cars flew around, a la Fifth Element. The place I stayed at seemed normal for what I was used to. Nothing I hadn't seen in any sci-fi programs. As I checked in and walked around I noticed a lot of decorations. It appeared to be some sort of holiday. A lot of fireworks and flags that looked American. The top half of the flag was a blue and star covered field while the bottom half was red and white stripes. I remember that there was one sun, but several moons. A larger one surrounded by smaller moons. I tried to snap a photo with my cell phone. I don't know who I expected to send it too. I had to try. My next plan was to try and email someone. I woke up shortly after this with a coughing fit. Of course I couldn't get back to it... Once again... not on drugs.Labels: dreams |
I posted this @ 3/20/2007 08:01:00 AM.............Need a link?..........
3/19/2007 |
I consider my friends to be members of my family... extended family if you will. I am fiercely loyal and would do anything for them to make sure that they are ok. If that means helping them out, if I am able to I certainly will. The downside to it is when something is on my mind. Call it an opinion, a viewpoint, a strong feeling, a suggestion, unsolicited advice... whatever. Sometimes it is almost impossible for me to hold my tongue. I'm always thinking. I'm always running 800 scenarios in my head of how things might play out. How they could be only if...
When I feel strongly about something I have a hard time holding my tongue. So, in the case of a friend you care about. A family member... Do you hold your tongue? Or tell them how you feel? What if it meant losing their friendship?
In the end, I feel that my voice has been heard... and I value a friendship more than I value my biased viewpoint. Putting aside the bias, I just hope the truth in what I feel can be seen.Labels: family, friends, introspective |
I posted this @ 3/19/2007 12:55:00 PM.............Need a link?..........
So I bought the chair this weekend. The Cute Teacher and I went to see Dead Silence.
I know... I know... "But Cris, you hate ventriloquist dummies." I bought the chairs! Alright?!
I couldn't watch at least 25% of it. Luckily there was a person in front of us who paid good Friday night theater prices to have a comfy seat to text message from for 90 minutes. So I had other things to look at.
I think the overall movie itself can be summed up best by borrowing a line used by a gentleman in front of us as we were leaving. "That movie was so bad it killed my high."
I had it figured out pretty early on who did it, using my Law & Order logic. If you are a fan of any of the L&O shows, this will work 90% of the time. The big name guest star is the one who did it. Now I'm not giving away the ending to the movie by saying that because in this movie you have to 'names' to choose from. Is it Amber Valetta (model slash actress) or Donnie Wahlberg (former NKOTB slash actor)? I tried to figure out why he'd go from an Academy nominated role to this pile of drek. It wasn't until about a third of the way in that I figured out my mistake.
The movie made no sense at all. It started out pretty good. A good scare to get yo in the mood of what was to come. By the end they were just tossing new plot twists and scares in to try and mask any actual logic.
Seriously... Clowns? Ok, now you're just playing to people fears. Poorly at that.
Did I jump? Oh hell yeah. Was I scared? Yes.
CT called it immersion therapy. Just for that, he owes me a foreign language film.Labels: cute teacher, movies |
I posted this @ 3/19/2007 11:26:00 AM.............Need a link?..........
3/15/2007 |
I've been going crazy today. I just want some silence. My brain is a noisy place today I just need some peace and quiet.
Let me give you a bit of Office Geography before I continue. As you look down the hall there is a fire alarm on the wall towards the ceiling. Then my office door. Then a secuirty panel. Then a heavy fire door leading to next department.
EVERYTHING was making noises today. First of all the fire door is broken. It has a hydraulic box attached to it that normally would slow down the closing of the door. This part is broken so the door has been slamming shut all day. On top of that, everyone that walks through the door commments that the door is broken.
SLAM!!! "Oh wow! That needs to be fixed. That scared me."
How do you think I feel!?
Next... The security panel has been chirping and buzzing today. In the 2+ years that I've worked at the hospital it has occasionally sounded off as though there was an issue with it. Someone would call maintainence and/or security. They would look at it. Go flip a couple switches somewhere else and it would stop. They woudl say they would 'fix' it, but it's never happened. They just shut it off for a while. Til the next day when things have all been shut off at one point and reset for secuirty reasons. This noise is loud and obnoxious. Because it is a security alarm. It is meant to get your attention.
Lastly is the fire alarm. The way our building is set up, if a fire alarm is triggered somewhere in the department (which spans the whoel floor of our specific building) then all the fire alarms go off in on that floor of the building. Rather than in just that department. In the event of an actual fire, there is logic... But in the event of a false alarm, it is a loud annoying noise that just adds to the symphony of sound I've been experiencing.
Humorously enough when someone came to check out the security panel, they thought it was going off because of the fire alarm. Good assumption, but no...
I now have the largest headache this side of the Missouri.Labels: work |
I posted this @ 3/15/2007 02:40:00 PM.............Need a link?..........
...of the American Idol closet that is.
For years I've remained firm in not watching American Idol because it was too painful. I've ranted about it in many ways. Now, this isn't to say that I didn't care about it. I just couldn't watch because of the awful performances. The last time I watched was when Fantasia won. I saw her perform her 'victory song'. Prior to that... never. ANYWAY... I didn't feel I needed to watch. Because of friends like Mike & Jen and Zaida, when I worked with her I would hear about all I needed to know. I didn't have to watch. I was doing so by-proxy.
I watched American Idol this week. Admittedly, begrudgingly... but I did 'watch'. I remain firm that these people suck. Well, more specifically, the men suck. The women seem to be much better. Are the sucky men better than me? Oh, hell yeah. Do I want to hear/see someone embarrass themselves in front of millions of viewers by forgetting the lyrics and not being able to pick 'one' key to sing in? Well... I still feel their pain.
Maybe I'll have to hold out til they are down to the final two or three.
Other notes... Diana Ross looks cuh-RAZY!!! Seriously! That can't be her real hair and she should get sponsorship from Sharpie for doing her make-up. As Cute Teacher mentioned to me afterwards, her presence made Paula seem normal.
The whole closet/coming out banter that Simon and Ryan did was uncomfortable. For EVERYONE!
What the fuck is up with the music video at the beginning? Is this normal? I used to like Modest Mouse's song "Float On". Now that I have the Idolini's faux-stop animation version burned into my retinas... I may have to reconsider it occupying my playlist.
My picks? Lakisha or Melinda. I honestly think that Jennifer Hudson's big Oscar win and role in Dreamgirls will carry over to help these two go a long way.Labels: music, tv |
I posted this @ 3/15/2007 08:26:00 AM.............Need a link?..........
I've seen this a couple times already in various forms and I typically don't participate in it. Mainly because I feel that I am pretty open to comments or questions, so why solicit them. I guess I'm feeling particularly generous of spirit.
Something you've always wanted to ask me? Something you've always wanted to know about me? I'll give you a couple ways to participate.
You can leave a comment on this post and I will answer it in a future post. My comments do ask for a name and email address, but put in a fake or anonymous one if you don't want your identity known. Or you can email me.
However you choose to play along... I will take all the questions, no names attached, and answer them in a future post.
Here's your chance!!Labels: meme |
I posted this @ 3/15/2007 07:52:00 AM.............Need a link?..........
Actually... I could do without the long part, but the rest I am down with.
I've been told that my hair grows fast. Too bad it doesn't grow 'more', additionally. C'est la vie.
I'm noting this so I can see how just how long it is before I need another hair cut.Labels: hair |
I posted this @ 3/15/2007 07:46:00 AM.............Need a link?..........
3/12/2007 |
It looked fun. So I totally swiped it!
Labels: meme |
I posted this @ 3/12/2007 01:00:00 PM.............Need a link?..........
After many stressful weekends in the Cute Teacher's life, the 'big' weekend finally arrived. After months of late rehearsals and snow days and trips to various thrift stores to find accessories and props, the day had arrived. The Cute Teacher was the assistant director for a high school production of Grease. I haven't watched the actual show in ages. I know the songs, and have been hearing a lot of them lately by association. To finally see it all put together was very cool. I arrived a half hour in town a half hour before the show started. I cruised around a bit before actually heading to the show. I didn't want to be tooearly. This was the wrong thing to do. I was unprepared for how many people would actually be in attendance. The auditorium was easily seating 500 people. That is one thing I enjoy about small towns. The community support for such local productions is amazing. Of course, it's because the majority of people know someone in the show and they are there to root them on. Because of my early (yet tardy) arrival I sat towards the back of the auditorium. I could still hear everything, but occasionally my view would be obstructed by the elderly gentleman in front of me. Fortunately he slept through most of it and I was able to see over his slumped-forward head. I, apparently, had seated myself in the gossip section. Not only did I hear about various vacations or group trips that people were planning on taking. I also learned that apparently some times were printed incorrectly which was the cause of strife between one couple as they showed up a half hour into the show and took a seat next to me. He was apologetic enough, but she could have been related to a harpy. For the first act of the show you could hear her complain that her husband had wrote down the wrong time. She might as well go home because she couldn't see the stage. She demanded his keys several times so she could go to the car. After her second plea for the keys, following much complaining... I was willing to give her mine jsut so she would shut the hell up. During intermission I believe she must have crept off to have a quick drink because she returned in a much better mood. Now she was singing along with the songs... Hate. But overall the show was really good. There were several students that I was impressed with their performance. The Cute Teacher tries to play the shows down, partially out of modesty, but also I believe so that I won't get my hopes up. Considering I've not seen an actual Broadway show, I'm perfectly content with the performances that a high schooler can give. He is a much tougher critic than I. This weekend has really brought about a small town feel. Nothing unusual. I get this every so often. I went to Nebraska City over the weekend as well. I like the fact that most things remain the same there. It is a nice way to ground myself and get going again. It's relaxing to me to see people that I've known for over a decade. It's reassuring to know that however hectic my life may seem that I can find peace in something like a small town. Would I ever move back? Who knows... I don't foresee it anytime soon. But, I still like it.Labels: cute teacher, music, small town life |
I posted this @ 3/12/2007 09:19:00 AM.............Need a link?..........
3/08/2007 |
 Animated Idealist
I always find such personality report interesting. I like to see how accurate they are not only in my mind, but to other people that know me. Would they also agree with what the report says. I must say that for the most part I am not too surprised by these results. There are a couple things that I think or misses. For example, I consider myself to be a very open person. The 'trick' is you have to ask. So just by looking at the results you might think that I am a very private person. Not true. I just am very concious about emotionally vomitting on people so I tend to wait for someone to ask the deeper questions, rather than automatically share them.
My results as an animated or idealistic person aren't too unusual. Since in most tests I tend to border between being introverted and extroverted depending on the day. This is reflected here as well. Depending on the situation I might be the life of the party or I might be the flower on the wall.
- As an IDEALIST, you are distinctive for your integration of confidence, imagination, willingness to explore, and desire for competence over style.
- You have a strong capacity to comprehend the inner workings of things, finding new ideas and innovative insights to feed your curious nature.
- You are quite comfortable in the realm of abstract thought. You don't need a practical solution to every one of life's questions.
- You are comfortable with the decisions you make in life. You don't need to second-guess yourself, or seek a lot of opinions before you make up your mind.
- You enjoy the routines that you have created in your life, and don't feel the need to shake things up just for the sake of change.
- You generally succeed at what you do, and others would describe you as successful.
- It is important to you that products be efficient – looking good has to come second to working well.
- You aren't the kind of person who needs to collect stylish items in an attempt to create an attractive environment – you know that what matters most is function, not style.
- You're not one to force your positions on a group, and you tend to be fair in evaluating different options.
- You're not afraid to let your emotions guide you, and you're generally considerate of others' feelings as well.
- Generally, you believe that you control your life, and that external forces only play a limited role in determining what happens to you.
- You are outgoing, comfortable with others, and up for anything, which makes you ANIMATED.
- Some people find crowds and parties exhausting, but not you! You are able to be yourself in many situations.
- Sometimes it is hard for you to understand why others feel the way they do, but that doesn't stop you from trusting them or having faith that they are good people.
- You know the world is complicated and that there is often more than one side to a story, so you are careful not to make judgments about others too hastily.
- You would rather experience the world than sit back and observe it—you are not one to sit on the sidelines.
- You are an independent thinker and don't get too worried about how others might perceive you—you are not self-conscious about being the active, engaged person that you are.
- Although you have a keen understanding of different people's life circumstances, you occasionally have trouble seeing why people get so upset and emotional about things—they should just lighten up and have fun!
- In addition to having faith in the world, you have faith in the people around you—you trust others to do the right thing and to be honest.
- You're not one to force your positions on a group, and you tend to be fair in evaluating different options.
- You're not afraid to let your emotions guide you, and you're generally considerate of others' feelings as well.
- Generally, you believe that you control your life, and that external forces only play a limited role in determining what happens to you.

Labels: introspective, test |
I posted this @ 3/08/2007 08:13:00 AM.............Need a link?..........
3/07/2007 |
One good thing about having a boyfriend that is well read on contemporary literature is that he's passing the savings on to me.
I'm starting on my third book this year. Hell... my goal last year was three in a year and here I am three months in and I'm on my third book.
So far I've gone through... David Sedaris' Me Talk Pretty and Naked. Then Chuck Palahunik's Haunted which was a disturbing yet compelling read. Once it got gruesome, I had to finish it mainly so I had some conclusion to it.
More on the way....Labels: books |
I posted this @ 3/07/2007 01:04:00 PM.............Need a link?..........
Money has always been an issue for me. When I first moved away from home. I took it upon myself to be the one that was in charge of the bills, even tho I had a roommate. There were two incomes for one place. Bills were split evenly and fairly. It was a great arrangement. When I ended up having a place of my own, at first I was concerned that I wasn't going to be able to make it. Single people do it all the time, sure... But I never had. The prospect was daunting at first. Welcome to the real world. Here is your first set of bills. Oh, and we'll need a deposit on all this as well. I was able to manage my financial affairs just fine. Then I lost my job. I made some poor financial decisions and lost control of my money for a while. I hated it. I felt like all the financial independence that I'd worked so hard to achieve was lost in a matter of months. It sucks. It happens, but it sucks. I think since then things have been rough. Moving is expensive. Even when you do the moving yourself, it is expensive. The situation now is that I am surviving. I'm floating... treading water. I am slowly making my way back to dry land. In a few years I went from never even dreaming of using my credit card to using it almost too often. Right now, the bills are paid, but I dread balancing my checking account. I don't ask for sympathy or pity of any kind. I guess I only mention it as a wake up call to anyone who doesn't think it can happen. Money is a cruel mistress. It's unfortunate that it has to be the way it is. I'd be much happier raising chicken in order to barter with locals for supplies. Ok, that's a lie. I'm sure I'd catch some sort of bird flu that way. My point is... Money may not bring happiness, but the lack of money doesn't bring it either.Labels: money |
I posted this @ 3/07/2007 11:55:00 AM.............Need a link?..........
3/05/2007 |
For a time I followed college volleyball. There was a player from Penn State who I thought looked enough like me to be eerie. I could never find a photo to do much of a comparison. Well, I finally did. Here you go! What do you think? One of us was adopted...
Ignore the fact that I'm smilin my ass off. It was three in the morning. We had to do something to entertain ourselves at work.


Labels: family, funny |
I posted this @ 3/05/2007 07:28:00 AM.............Need a link?..........
3/02/2007 |
Hey Blog. Yeah, I know I've been rather neglectful of you lately. I'm sorry. Really, I am. Things have been sorta busy around here. Well. Ok... it is a little bit of an excuse. But I've been in the schools for work. When I get home I'm either on the couch or playing games on the computer. Then my weekends have been spent with the Cute Teacher. Plus I'm still doing the podcast thing. So it's not like I've been doing nothing. I've just been having a life away from the blog. NO! No... I still care. Of course I care. Look. How 'bout this? I promise to at least try and write twice a week til I can get back in the swing of things. Fine. Quizzes and memes don't count. Awww... I love you too. Ok. Now can you quit clutching my leg so tight. I think I've lost feeling in my toes. Labels: apology |
I posted this @ 3/02/2007 02:21:00 PM.............Need a link?..........