The Comical Misadventures of a Rambling Mind


I figured it was about time to update this. Not much has changed, but a couple things have.

1. My full name has 23 letters in it.
2. I am 5'10"/5'11" (depending on the day)
3. I have had every natural color of hair at one point in my life. Born blonde (hold you jokes), turned red, and then stayed brown for the longest time. Now it is slowly becoming dark brown/black. Transparent/flesh colored in some places. Damn you genetics!!
4. My favorite sport is tennis.
5. I started fencing within the last few years.
6. I started fencing because a friend and I took a class through Metro Comm. College. I stuck with it after the class.
7. My favorite non-alcoholic beverage is PF Chang's Iced Tea or Dr. Pepper.
8. My lucky number is 8.
9. I am a Virgo.
10. I was born in the Year of the Tiger.
11. My nose is slightly crooked.
12. My favorite alcoholic beverage is Hornsby's or Margarita.
13. After several Margaritas, I've been known to sing.
14. I unofficially began spelling my name as Cris in the 8th grade (long story).
15. I have a half-brother and a step-sister. I have some other half and step siblings that I'm still trying to figure out how they fit in my life.
16. I've had three vehicles in my life (and close to needing a fourth).
17. My first car was an '86 Gray Ford Escort.
18. My second car was a 90-something White Geo Tracker
19. My current car is a '96 Green Jeep Cherokee. I love it!
20. I have been in four weddings and a funeral (not the movie).
21. I was tested for allergies and found out I was allergic to some degree to 75% of the 150 things the tested me for. Mainly pollens and such.
22. I can quote most of The Goonies and a good portion of The Breakfast Club on a whim.
23. My favorite color is green (if you can't tell from the website)
24. I was a member of the Yearbook Committee & School Paper in High School
25. I was a band geek... a HUGE band geek.
26. I play the drums
27. ...tuba
28. ...trombone
29. ...violin (though I couldn't now if I wanted to)
30. ...piano
31. I once stuffed a Freshman into my tuba case, just because I could.
32. My favorite dish is anything Italian. Chicken Parmesan is the standard that I judge Italian restaurants on. If the place can't make a decent chicken parm, then there is something wrong with the place.
33. My favorite dish to make is Pollo Rellano. I'm still trying to perfect it, but I enjoy making it.
34. The strangest thing I've ever eaten was Cheerios in Sprite.
35. I am 11 days older than my best friend, Mike.
36. Mike and I have been accused of being cousins.
37. Growing up I had a Beagle named Roscoe
38. I want to get a bulldog someday.
39. My brother, sister, and I all have our birthdays within the same week in September.
40. The three boys my biological father has had (myself included) all have the same middle name.
41. My name means "Bearing Christ".
42. I have been told I'm agnostic.
43. One of my best friends is also named Chris.
44. I was known (and to some still am) Big Cris... while he was Little Chris.
45. I think we sing a pretty good version of Mrs. Robinson by Simon & Garfunkel
46. I was one of seven people named Cris (various spellings and genders) in school
47. I am half English, half German.
48. I cried when Jim Henson died.
49. Kermit the Frog singing Rainbow Connection was the first song I taught myself how to play on the piano.
50. Ben Fold's song 'Kate' is my latest favorite song to play on the piano.
51. I don't twist open Oreo's
52. I do eat fajitas and soft tacos open face, with a fork, like a salad.
53. I've 'borrowed' 3 stop signs. (You're welcome, Charity)
54. I have 'borrowed' (with the help of my two cohorts) a sand filled pylon only to 'donate' it to the Missouri River.
55. I've driven around the block to finish hearing the rest of my favorite song on the radio.
56. I was a guest DJ on the radio once.
57. I've been on television before, as part of my high school marching band.
58. My favorite song is Don't You Forget About Me - Simple Minds
59. I was on the volunteer Rescue Squad in Nebraska City for a year and a half.
60. I am CPR certified
61. I worked at McDonald's for 5 years
62. I now have a better appreciation for Food Service workers. There is no need to freak out if you fries aren't in your mouth in less than a minute
63. I am a poor tipper only because I can't easily do that math
64. I have tried out for three television shows
65. ...The Mole (reality game show)
66. ...Real World
67. ...College Jeopardy
68. I was one question away from qualifying for the next level of contestant selection, and I will now ALWAYS remember that Amy Tan wrote the Joy Luck Club
69. I worked at a suicide/crisis hotline for over 5 years.
70. I currently work in a hospital
71. I dabble in photography.
72. ...charcoal sketching.
73. aided color rendering
74. I have never broken a bone
75. I am a confessed pen kleptomaniac
76. Even though I don't understand a majority of what is being said, I love Telemundo and Univision!
77. I shake when I laugh whole-heartedly (Hand me a martini and watch me go!!)
78. At any given time I will have a song stuck in my head
79. If I ever moved out of Omaha, NE I would love to move to St Louis or Seattle.
80. I was a Psych Major I graduated in 1997 with a B.S. in Psychology (ironic title isn't it?)
81. Before I decided on that I wanted to be a lawyer until I realized I couldn't debate or argue worth shit
82. I thought about majoring in Broadcast Journalism (radio or television)
83. I have a personalized license plate, SWRDSMN
84. I am a child of the '80s
85. I have been white water rafting
86. I am double jointed
87. I can count to twenty in Spanish
88. I used to be able to count to twenty in German
89. I have been to Germany, but I've never been to Spain
90. I know a little basic sign language and the alphabet
91. I am fascinated by languages
92. I pick up accents very easily
93. Scooby-doo is my favorite cartoon. Scrappy-doo is a bitch and I hate him...
94. I am a registered Democrat, but not really all that political.
95. My current favorite television show is Lost.
96. I will own anything that Natalie Merchant puts out on an album!
97. I am afraid of ventriloquist dummies
98. I can swim, but I can't tread water
99. My IQ is higher than my bowling average. (Which may or may not say much about how smart I am or how well I can bowl...)
100. My personal motto is "Life is too serious, to take too seriously."
I posted this @ 5/01/2006 08:36:00 AM.............Need a link?..........

I'm a 30-something student of human nature. A music-lovin', groove-shakin', laugh-inducin', dish-cookin', gossip-slingin', type of guy. This is my diary of sorts...

100 Things
How Well Do You Know Me?


Olbermann: Gay marriage is a question of love
Gay ex-governor says he's too poor for alimony
-Barack’s Gay Balance
Calif. Supreme Court rejects gay marriage ban
-Where the Bears don't fear to tread
ABBA Melody


"The Day I Helped Kill A Baby" - Joe.My.God.
"Summertime Blues" - Tomato Nation
"Mama Crazy" -
"Something I Will Never Forget" -
"OMG! It's a teenager." - Does This Mean...
"The God of Comedy Setup Lines" - Frolic & Detour
"Can't Handle The Tooth" - Hissyfit

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