This is a historic day. I BLOGGED!! Ok... not for that reason. The OTHER reason. Which is kind of annoying to me actually. Every time I catch the news, in some form, I'm hearing about how this is a historic occasion. Got it! New President = Historic. But is that the real reason they keep saying that? I get that Obama is the first black President. (Multi-racial, but no point in dwelling on that anymore than it already has been throughout this election.) I do question whether or not that is the reason a lot of the news outlets keep putting it that way.
I didn't vote for this guy just because of his race. I think it's pretty cool how that worked out. I think that it does reflect a changing personal climate of this country. But really... is that it? Because I can't recall this big of a deal being made in the past few elections. Maybe it's because I'm older. Maybe it's because I have more of a political feeling this time around. Not that it's big, mind you. But I didn't have much of anything at all before.
This is the first election that the person I voted for actually won. Maybe that's why I'm noticing the inaugural scene more. I don't want the history books to remember Obama simply because he was the first 'un-white' old guy to get elected. I want them to remember him because he had an amazing presidency.
Don't fuck this up, history books! I'm keeping an eye on your shenanigans.
I posted this @ 1/20/2009 07:38:00 AM.............Need a link?..........
I had been telling Mike how cold it was this morning. I mentioned that as a result of my dampness after getting out of the shower and ready for work, my beard had froze.
Mike: Supposed to be colder tomorrow. Cris: Nice... at least i'm off tomorrow. i can camp out with chips and salsa and the wii Mike: That's God's way of telling you to shave that thing. Cris: NO! it's keeping me warm! Cris: it might be god's way of telling me to towel off more Mike: It ain't keeping you warm when icicles are hanging off of it. Cris: well it froze like nose hairs freeze. not like Jack Frost. Mike: nose hairs freeze? Cris: you've never had that happen? Cris: where the inside of your nose feels like a Triscuit? Cris: bueller? Mike: feels like a Triscuit... I don't even know what that means. Mike: I've never had that happen. Mike: I've had the hair on my head freeze. Cris: maybe that's God's way of telling me to trim my nose hairs.... Mike: No, that can't be it. He would surely have gotten after me for that. Mike: I don't know. Maybe my nasal cavity is just warmer than yours. Cris: [insert joke about you being filled with hot air] Mike: Fair enough.
I posted this @ 1/13/2009 05:25:00 PM.............Need a link?..........
You know who this is for... You know why...
...lub j00!
I posted this @ 1/03/2009 08:17:00 PM.............Need a link?..........
The new year is here and with comes the promise of change. Well it's not exactly a promise. People make resolutions all the time and never keep them. I haven't even considered making a resolution. What I have been thinking about doing is watching what I eat. Or that might just be the fact that for the last week I've been inundated with MSNBC articles and TV report about weight loss. Hell, I even sat around and watched a Biggest Loser marathon on TV the other day.
Mark, when you read this you can skip the next couple of paragraphs. You've already endured my bitching about this.
Allow me to spout off about this show for a moment. I'm so conflicted about The Biggest Loser. I think it's great that these people want to make changes in their lives. I find it kind of cruel that they make it a competition. Let's reward someone for losing a lot of weight in a relatively short time. It kind of seems unhealthy to lose so much in such a time. I know they are monitored by health care professionals, who I'm sure only have the best of intentions for the contestants, and not just wanting to make sure no one does serious damage to themselves or dies (which is seriously damaging itself). God forbid anyone sues because of injuries sustained on the show.
Plus there is game play involved. Toying with your weight so your team loses and you have the potential to send someone home. Purposely gaining weight for the sake of winning money on a show just rubs me the wrong way. I question some of the motivations of these people. I don't begrudge anyone who wants to do this show, but as long as they are doing it for the right reasons. Get healthy. Learn better habits. Don't fuck with your body just for the sake of a game.
I used to fence. When I did, part of my warm up was to run the halls and stairs of the school we had practice in. I can recall my progress over the course of the few years that I did this. A lap consisted of running the halls of one floor, up two flights of stairs running the halls of the upper floor, back down the stairs to where I started. Rinse. Repeat. At first, it was difficult to to make one lap of the building. By the end of my stint there I was able to do at least 3 or 4 such laps and not feel like I was going to die. I miss that feeling. I know my stamina for running such distances has decreased. But then again I've always been a sprinter, not a long distance type runner.
I can make whatever excuses in the world about not exercising. Weather. Time. Motivation. But what about food. I love to cook. What about cooking healthier. I know some good recipes, why don't I make them? Good question... And not one that I can really answer. The 'easy' answer convenience. After working 12 hours, I don't typically feel like coming home and cooking. It's easier to swing by a drive thru and pick up something. Or hit the grocery store and grab a frozen something or other.
I'm a picky eater, but not so picky that I couldn't find something fast and easy that is also healthy. I try and make some easy changes here and there. Maybe it's a brand choice. Maybe it's simple switch from white to wheat. Maybe it's making something from scratch and being able to control the ingredients.
I am more a fan or portion control. Eat what you want (within reason), but just less of it. Also, snacks... and sweets... I'm a snacker, but I should be more conscious of what I snack on. I don't have much of a sweet tooth. I rarely crave a sugary finish to my meals.
So why mention any of this? Is this a resolution that just isn't phrased as one... or maybe it's a long winded one? I can't say for sure. I'm just very conscious of it now. This is what watching a marathon of The Biggest Loser while eating Wing Stop will do to a person.
I posted this @ 1/02/2009 05:00:00 PM.............Need a link?..........
With Thanksgiving & Christmas barely behind us we immediately have to start looking towards Christmas. Is your shopping done? Are the gifts wrapped? Cards sent? Travel plans... or are you the brave one that is hosting the family? My God have mercy on your soul... All those relatives. All that food to prepare.
Because... Your family will fuck you up! They have been for years. They lie in wait for holidays that require some sort of familial interactions. Just waiting to strike. Just waiting to open the extra strengths cans of crazy and plate you up a heaping spoonful.
Mark & I recently watched Four Christmases. The stars get caught trying to leave for vacation instead of visiting their families on Christmas. The various family scenes that play out are a bit extreme, but not completely unheard of. With any family, when you get that many people together, you're going to have at least a little mayhem ensue.
I come from a small family. I'm closest with my Grandparents. My Father has kids that are way younger than I am, and they live 8 states away. My little brother doesn't have any kids and he usually spends it with his mom during the holidays. My Aunt doesn't have any kids. So it's just usually my Grandparents, my aunt, and myself at Christmastime. As odd as it may sound, I would love a large family Christmas.
Somehow in my mind I've convinced myself that in order to escape one-on-one family-time, I need to be around a larger family. It's easier to blend in. It's easier to sit back and enjoy the wackiness. The nut-job relatives have more targets as options, rather than just singling out you.
People that I've heard say they don't like Christmas say it usually, because they don't like some family member(s). Rarely is it the presents or the food or the holiday in general. The travel can be a pain I won't try to lie, but I don't mind that. Now granted, this is coming from someone who only has to drive an hour and has a few family members that I see at anyone time. The grass seems greener on the other side.
My few family members drive me crazy sometimes. My phone conversations with my Grandmother usually involve explaining to her how my voice mail works and that I can turn 'off' my phone and it will still get calls to it. It won't disturb me. My Grandfather's hearing is shot and he refuses to wear his hearing aides. My Aunt thinks we don't know she still smokes. It's fun to follow her outside to 'talk' with her just to see how long it is before she goes back inside having not been able to sneak outside for a smoke.
Not matter what the future may hold, good, bad or otherwise... I would miss my nutty family if I couldn't get together with them.
I posted this @ 1/02/2009 04:59:00 PM.............Need a link?..........
This article bothers me... and I'm not sure that I can pinpoint why. The article talks about a research study that states that parents and guardians who reacted negatively when their children come out to them are more likely to attempt suicide, experiement with drugs, and experience severe depression.
Really? Because that kinda seems like a no-brainer to me.
The article goes on to say, "The way in which parents or guardians respond to a youth's sexual orientation profoundly influences the child's mental health as an adult." Again.. really? How about you just be nice to your kids?
I was a late bloomer and have a weird dynamic with my family so I can't really use my own personally coming out experience as an example. What I can tell you is that... kids want acceptance from their parents or some parental figure in their life. I guess it kind of bothers me that it had to be broken done into a sexuality issue and published as research topic.
I posted this @ 1/02/2009 04:58:00 PM.............Need a link?..........
I recently read this 'debate' between two vocal gay rights advocates. I would classify either viewpoints as extreme, but I would classify them as extremely different.
On one hand we have the viewpoint that the selection of Rick Warren to give the opening prayer at Obama's inauguration as an afront to religious members of GLBT community. On the other had we have the inclusion of Rick Warren, someone who Melissa Ethridge has stuck up for, saying he has gay & lesbian.
I must admit that I'm kind of over the hype. Don't get me wrong. I think the lack of marrying rights for gays is an offense and something that needs to be rectified soon. But I don't think that having Rick Warren give the opening invocation will do much one way or another. My best friends asked me to name the person who gave the opening invocation when Bush was inaugurated. I couldn't. I doubt that most American's could. The same will be said about Rick Warren. He'll soon fade into obscurity as only a footnote in Obama's time as President.
A main point that is discussed is unity. On this note I agree with having Rev. Warren give the invocation. You are never going to please all groups. But why not have "conservative megapastor" who is in support of Obama to do this? The concern of those opposed to Rev. Warren is that he is is acting on behalf of everyone in calling for God's assitance. Yet he doesn't acknowledge gays and lesbians as spiritually whole.
I don't dispute that. But again... There is no way that one person can represent all groups... all faiths... all viewpoints. Not everyone will agree with whomever would be chosen. Sometimes I think the idea is who can we pick that would be the best choice, but also piss off the least amount of people. I fully admit I'm not a religious person so that I see how some might say, "well of course having a pastor who has the same beliefs and ideals" wouldn't be an issue for me.
I think this whole election year has been about finding common ground. I am hardly an extremist when it comes to such things. I want the same freedoms and liberties as everyone else. Do I think that having this man give a prayer is going to be the downfall of gay civil rights? No. Could that have picked somebody different, somebody better? Maybe. But I think that really... no one will remember this event for this man. To think that this is a bigger issue that the inauguration itself... It's a shame.
I posted this @ 1/02/2009 04:52:00 PM.............Need a link?..........
I'm a 30-something student of human nature. A music-lovin', groove-shakin', laugh-inducin', dish-cookin', gossip-slingin', type of guy. This is my diary of sorts...