The Comical Misadventures of a Rambling Mind

You can turn the clock to zero, honey
I'll sell the stock, we'll spend all the money
We're starting up a brand new day

Yes... Gordon Sumner (a.k.a. Sting) is right. It is the start of a brand new day. Brand new YEAR even... So I thought why not do a retrospective of 2003. Now granted... I've not been blogging the entire year. Still the whole year was valid. Not just the latest few months that I've been keeping an electronic record of online. So even tho we are already a good week into 2004, I still wanted to post.


In the beginning of the year, I made a few news years resolutions. While in the past I've made or vowed not to make resolutions, 2003 seemed different. It was more of an overall change in temperament and desire to make some changes in my life. I wanted to strike out more.

I won't go month by month, but a few of the high lights that stick out...

-I had just recently been promoted within my job. The thing I recall most about January of last year was a series of conversations that began with our Admin. Assistant, my friend Nikki. She is someone that is on my level of debate-ability. So it wasn't uncommon to find us whiling away a Monday workday emailing back and forth about the topic du jour. This was nice because it wasn't about who was right or wrong or who won or lost. It was just nice open forum discussions, about life, relationships, current events, and what-not. This is significant for me, because I've never been one to feel that I was able to debate very well without becoming too emotionally involved and frustrated.

-Mike & I struggled to figure out if we were ever going to actually put out a webcomic or not. The deadlines we set were being pushed back for one reason or another. No ones fault, but something that becomes important later...

-My father makes plans to come for a visit with his new family in late Spring. A visit which ended up being cancelled at the last moment. No lost feelings there.

-I make plans to attending the National Fencing Competition in Austin Texas. This is the first time that I've attended an event this big. Everyone talked about how nerve wracking it can be, to be at such a large event. While I am impressed by the size of it. I'm energized by the scale and level of competition. I end up having one of the most disappointing and rewarding experiences in my fencing career.

Of the two events that I was in.. I came in damned near last in the higher classed of the two events. And in the top third of the lower classed. Now while this may not sound impressive... consider a few things. This was my National event. I have no National ranking or rating. For my skill level I was considered to be there more for the experience as opposed to actually doing anything noteworthy.

Just before the end of the first period I trip and fall. Not used to such a tractioned surface and anticipating that I can literally slide into my shots I stumble forward over my own feet nicely twisting my ankle. There was not a snowballs chance in Texas that I was going to give up due to a sprained ankle after having 1) come all this way to fence 2) spent how much money 3) to go down in such a simple way without a fight.

It is getting to the point of the match were my opponent had settled into what he thought was a comfortable tempo and that he didn't have to try too terribly hard. I close the gap even more, and by the end of the second period we are close to being at a tied score. I trail by one at 11-12, going to 15.

Now, I'm not a religious person, but I was doing some heavy "Christmas praying" just asking for one win in such a major competition. After one back and forth attempts and scoring. I get the final touch and point. I tossed up my hands in victory. The last few moments of the bout were honestly surreal. Simply because I wasn't expected to win. I was shaking so bad from the rush of adrenaline, the pain in my ankle, and just the sheer joy of actually winning my first such bout in a competition like this. If I wasn't hooked on fencing before.... I certainly was after a moment like that.

-Relationship-wise... One bad... One good. In both situations, I learned a lot about the type of person that I am and who I want to be with. They say everything happens for a reason, and I believe it more now than before. Truly some very insightful times.

-Mike and I had a falling out. Maybe it was over built up tension. Maybe it was over things that should've been said that weren't. Regardless, it was a breaking point that worked out for the best for both of us. I don't write this thinking he won't see it. Or that I am talking to faceless visitors. I'm fully aware of who reads this blog. I say that because I think that as far as 2003 went.. I've never been closer to my friends than in 2003. The conversation (and relationship since then) that Mike and I have as a result have been the a great showing of why I consider him to be my best friend. Love ya', man!

-In the world of entertainment, Matrix 2 and 3 were set before us like flaming bags of poo demanding to be stepped on. While I loved the first Matrix, the second and third open just as many doors to confusion and disbelief as it did answer any questions about what the hell was going on. Overall... GREAT action sequences. The plot line was convoluted. I'm sure the Wachowski bros' heard a collective gasp as audiences around the country were stunned at such an exercise in pointlessness.

-Peter Jackson gave birth to his third love child in what was probably the best epic ever. I wonder if movie goers around the world felt this way when the first Star Wars trilogy came out? The Lord Of The Rings was well worth the wait each year. I found myself so engrossed and engaged by these films that by the time the third one ended, I was honestly a little sad. I wanted to see more of Samwise. I wanted to hear more about Aragorn and Arwyn. Granted, there are books out there, but it is on a different level of enjoyment. The movies only fed my addiction to Sean Astin. If It's a little unhealthy...

-The holidays also brought a time of some confusion. Just when I thought I was dealing with my biological parents just fine... I toss myself out there once more to see just what kind of people they are. When will I learn...

I don't want it to sound like the year ended on a down note. Because overall it didn't. It was a great year... a great year indeed. I hope that 2004 brings more of the same. Both ups and downs... I'm not saying I desire such drama in my life. Yet, I think that it is such dramatic situations that lead to such fond memories to look back on later.

I'm sure I'm forgetting some major moments. Someone might read this and say "hey why didn't (fill in the blank) warrant a mention?" My only response would be that I'm sure there are things that do deserve notoriety in this retrospective. Just because I didn't mention then doesn't mean that I don't remember them.

Welcome, 2004!! Here's to new opportunities.... new friends... new memories in the making!!! It's the start of a brand new day.
I posted this @ 4/05/2004 08:24:00 AM.............Need a link?..........

I'm a 30-something student of human nature. A music-lovin', groove-shakin', laugh-inducin', dish-cookin', gossip-slingin', type of guy. This is my diary of sorts...

100 Things
How Well Do You Know Me?


Olbermann: Gay marriage is a question of love
Gay ex-governor says he's too poor for alimony
-Barack’s Gay Balance
Calif. Supreme Court rejects gay marriage ban
-Where the Bears don't fear to tread
ABBA Melody


"The Day I Helped Kill A Baby" - Joe.My.God.
"Summertime Blues" - Tomato Nation
"Mama Crazy" -
"Something I Will Never Forget" -
"OMG! It's a teenager." - Does This Mean...
"The God of Comedy Setup Lines" - Frolic & Detour
"Can't Handle The Tooth" - Hissyfit

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