The Comical Misadventures of a Rambling Mind


I guess I did promise to tell you what I envisioned happening next in my little drama.

Is it a drama? Or a comedy? A dramedy? An off-beat romantic comedy? Indie? See... I don't even know. Other than the few scenes I have pictured in my ehad I'm not exactly sure where the story will lead.

This was acutally harder to write the second time. Not only because I was trying to remember all the brilliant things I'd written the first time, but because I was second guessing things. it sounded good when I wrote it the first time. This time around it just sounds hokey to me. Some of the ages and other finer logistics I'm still hammering out. So if something sound improbable because of age... bear with me.

I have ideas of who I think would make good actors to play each of the parts. Yet, rather than take the chance that it would influence how you might have these characters visualized in your own head... I'll leave that alone.

So now that I've thoroughly influnced your thinking about this next part... I give you... the next part.

SETTING: It's much later the same night. Greg and Joe are getting ready for bed. Joe is recounting running into Abby.

GREG: What rock did you find her under?

JOE: A sober one. She looked like she'd cleaned herself up pretty well.

GREG: Well that's good considering how she looked the last time I'd seen her.

JOE: So it's ok if she comes to the BBQ on Saturday?

GREG: Of course! She was your best friend when you were growing up. It'd be nice to meet your high school girlfriend. [said with a joking tone]

JOE: Whatever... [playfully tosses a pillow at Greg]

GREG: But if she tries to put the moves on you, she'll have me to deal with. [Greg puts his hands on his hips in a sassy mocking fashion.]

SETTING: It is late afternoon and everyone has gathered for the BBQ. In attendence are Joe, Greg, and Abby. As well as Dan & Yumi and Adam and Maggie. People can be heard milling about in other parts of the house. In the kitchen Greg i sregaling the group with a stories from his wilder bar jobs.

GREG: You'd get a jock in there who thought he was big man on campus. Wanting to show off to his buddies. Starting trouble. Being a prick. I'd would've cut him off sooner if I was the only bartender. So I offer to buy him a drink. I'd serve him a self-patented Tequila Sunny Side Up. A shot of tequila and orange juice in one shot glass and a raw egg cracked into another with a few shakes of hot sauce. Toss back the egg and chase it with the tequila. Shake it up and swallow. Instant breakfast! [This draw some responses of "Eew" and a couple "Gross"'s from the crowd.] Some of those muscle-heads probably drank two or three eggs for breakfast everyday. Keep in mind they've usually had a lot to drink on their own before my concoction. It wouldn't be too long before he'd turn pale and make a break for the front door or the restroom with their buddies close behind. I usually pointed them all to the door. [laughs]

ADAM: Now it can't be that bad.

GREG: You think so?

MAGGIE: Don't get any ideas. Honey, you've already had two burgers and an army's worth of potato salad. I don't thi-...

ADAM: Yeah. Those boys just couldn't hold their liquor.

GREG: So you want to give it a try? [sly smile]

ADAM: Bring it on!

MAGGIE: [rolls her eyes and smacks her husband Adam in the back of the head.]

GREG: [Greg begins to gather the needed ingredients.] Let's take this out back. I'm not cleaning up puke in here.

[Everyone makes their way outside, joined by a couple people from other rooms who have overheard what has transpired. Abby takes this moment to pull Joe aside into the brightly lit sunroom to talk to him.]

JOE: I just wanted to say I'm glad you decided to show up. Are you having a good time?

ABBY: [looking around some-what nervously] Yeah, I am. Greg is a great guy. You guys have a really nice place here.

JOE: Thanks. He lived here by himself before I moved in. Greg is the cook, so I took charge of decorating the place and added a few of my own touches.

[A few beats of silence as Abby looks around the sunroom at the displayed vacation photos and plants.]

JOE: [He takes a step closer and put his hand on her shoulder.] It really is good to see you again. After what happened back in high school and then in college... I thought for sure you'd never want to speak to me again.

ABBY: Don't be silly. We each had our own issues going on. College was hectic enough for us both. There have been so many times that I almost called you... to talk to you about everything that I was going through, but...

JOE: We all had our moments in college. I know I was going through a lot just admitting to myself who I really was. Finding myself. Finding Greg... That's why I felt so bad about sleeping with you in high school. On some level, I think I knew I was gay even then, but... [shurgs] I just had to know for sure. You know?

ABBY: [She is obviously keeping something to herself. She bites on her lips to keep it in. Is she going to cry? Is she going to get mad? Joe can't tell.] Yeah. No... It's fine. I just... I guess we always did kind of have a Will & Grace type relationship except without the comedy.

JOE: Seems like it...

ABBY: Joe, my mom's not the reason I came back to Seattle.

JOE: She's not?

ABBY: Not the only reason. I came to see you. I hoped I would anyway.

JOE: Your mom's not sick?

ABBY: No, thank God. She IS having surgery. She never has before and just wanted some family support. It's just... She's just...

[Joe is visibly confused.]

ABBY: [She sits down on. Joe remains standing taking sips of his drink.] After you left for college, I moved to the East Coast for a while. I had an Aunt who lived in New York. So I stayed with her for about 9 months. I... had a baby. A boy. [Joe is clearly surprised.] I was young. Immature, really. I wanted to see the world. I wanted to experience so much more before I ever settled down and had a family. I wasn't ready to be a mom. So I gave him up for adoption.

ABBY: [She is standing now, and moves to look out one of the windows.] I got a call about a month ago, from a woman who said she was my son's adoptive mother. Her husband had died in a car accident that also left her in pretty bad shape. She had made a promise to her husband that if anything happened to either of them that they'd tell their son the truth. He took it pretty well, surpringly enough. He said he even wanted to me his birth parents. She tracked me down and asked if I wanted to bring the father and meet him.

[Outside chants of "chug chug chug" can be heard as Adam is about to down Greg's drink. The outside group can be seen with their backs to the sunroom windows.]

JOE: So who's the Father?

[Outside cheers could be heard... followed by some uneasy "Oh!"'s.]

ABBY: I came back to Seattle to get his Father. You're the Father, Joe.

[Joe does a spit-take on his drink and sits down. Simultaneously, outside Adam can be seen through the sunroom windows running to the patio deck railing and heaving over it. Cheers and laughter follow.]
I posted this @ 2/26/2006 01:33:00 PM.............Need a link?..........

I'm a 30-something student of human nature. A music-lovin', groove-shakin', laugh-inducin', dish-cookin', gossip-slingin', type of guy. This is my diary of sorts...

100 Things
How Well Do You Know Me?


Olbermann: Gay marriage is a question of love
Gay ex-governor says he's too poor for alimony
-Barack’s Gay Balance
Calif. Supreme Court rejects gay marriage ban
-Where the Bears don't fear to tread
ABBA Melody


"The Day I Helped Kill A Baby" - Joe.My.God.
"Summertime Blues" - Tomato Nation
"Mama Crazy" -
"Something I Will Never Forget" -
"OMG! It's a teenager." - Does This Mean...
"The God of Comedy Setup Lines" - Frolic & Detour
"Can't Handle The Tooth" - Hissyfit

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