The Comical Misadventures of a Rambling Mind


Have I mentioned Cheesecake Factory? They just opened up one in Omaha. No longer will I have to drive 2 1/2 hours to either Des Moines or KC to satisfy my Factory Fixation. Well, even though there is one mere minutes away from me, the time it takes to get my Cheesecake on. There was a plan for 'Cute Teacher' (CT) and I to go to Cheesecake Factory. Originally the plan was to go at prime dining hours. Well, I understand the error in that thinking, but we were hungry. When the stomach commands I obey!

Well, Cheesecake Factory was an hour wait. Across the street Granite City was an hour wait. PF Chang's was an hour wait. Macaroni Grill was an hour wait. This is only unusual because EVERYONE in Omaha was trying to get into Cheesecake Factory. The other restaurants were revelling in overflow from people like us who Cheesecake Factory.

We ended up at Carraba's. The young host very apologetically said that there was a twenty minute wait to get a table. We were more than ok with that wait.

My entree had caprino cheese on it. Have you tried Carpino cheese?! Oh my gosh! It's a goat cheese with a similar taste to feta, but creamier like a cream cheese. I have a new favorite cheese. Yes... I'm the type of guy who has a favorite cheese.

I've seen Borat, and I plan on writing about it. But in the mean time Wolf Creek was rented... Does anyone remember this movie being in the theaters? It wasn't there long. I think it was about the same time as Hostel and/or The Hills Have Eyes. I think... It's one of the capture and torture unsuspecting tourists movies.

Anyway. The movie kicks ass. Up 'til the ending. Over an hour of good thriller action, followed by five minutes of conclusion that leaves you out in the cold. Plus, this movie was supposedly the unrated version. Which insinuates greusomeness of some kind. There wasn't even any brief nudity. What kind of unrated was this?! I know this sounds like I didn't like the movie. Trust me, I did. It was definitely creepy! Grab some popcorn to toss when things get scary. Make sure you have an arm to grab on to when things get scary.
I posted this @ 11/20/2006 01:11:00 PM.............Need a link?..........

I'm a 30-something student of human nature. A music-lovin', groove-shakin', laugh-inducin', dish-cookin', gossip-slingin', type of guy. This is my diary of sorts...

100 Things
How Well Do You Know Me?


Olbermann: Gay marriage is a question of love
Gay ex-governor says he's too poor for alimony
-Barack’s Gay Balance
Calif. Supreme Court rejects gay marriage ban
-Where the Bears don't fear to tread
ABBA Melody


"The Day I Helped Kill A Baby" - Joe.My.God.
"Summertime Blues" - Tomato Nation
"Mama Crazy" -
"Something I Will Never Forget" -
"OMG! It's a teenager." - Does This Mean...
"The God of Comedy Setup Lines" - Frolic & Detour
"Can't Handle The Tooth" - Hissyfit

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Counting Sheep
Originally uploaded by Fib.