The Comical Misadventures of a Rambling Mind


Mike and I have had this conversation several times. The conclusion we've come to is that I have no sense of how tall a person is. Which is odd, because I do great on those spatial puzzle type tests.

Exhibit A: Hugh Jackman is not a midget. He is just under 6'3". For some reason I think he is the size of a hobbit.

Which brings us to...

Exhibit B: Sean Astin IS a midget. More correctly he is 5'6", which is shorter than me, but for some reason I think he's at least my height.

Uma Thurman falls into this catergory as well. I think she is shorter than she is.

Tom "I'm covered in Body Thetans" Cruise is another one who's height fools me. I've read that in the Mission Impossible films they specifically cast costars who are about his height so as to not call attention to his stature.

I'd be a terrible eye witness.

OFFICER: How tall was the perp?
ME: Um... 4'5"... I think. He was shorter than me.
OFFICER: About how much do you think he weighed?
ME: Oh, about 275. Basically, he was a fireplug in a ski mask.

In the Lord of the Rings movies Sean was paired up with other actors who were of similar height, but then he played a hobbit who is supposed to be short. His height was never really noticed. In the X-Men movies Hugh plays Wolverine whom I've always perceived as a short character.

Now if I was to be standing next to one of these people, then I could obviously tell how tall a person is. Along those same lines... if someone can arrange a meeting with Sean Astin. Christmas is just around the corner.
I posted this @ 12/14/2005 07:25:00 PM.............Need a link?..........

I'm a 30-something student of human nature. A music-lovin', groove-shakin', laugh-inducin', dish-cookin', gossip-slingin', type of guy. This is my diary of sorts...

100 Things
How Well Do You Know Me?


Olbermann: Gay marriage is a question of love
Gay ex-governor says he's too poor for alimony
-Barack’s Gay Balance
Calif. Supreme Court rejects gay marriage ban
-Where the Bears don't fear to tread
ABBA Melody


"The Day I Helped Kill A Baby" - Joe.My.God.
"Summertime Blues" - Tomato Nation
"Mama Crazy" -
"Something I Will Never Forget" -
"OMG! It's a teenager." - Does This Mean...
"The God of Comedy Setup Lines" - Frolic & Detour
"Can't Handle The Tooth" - Hissyfit

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