The Comical Misadventures of a Rambling Mind


EDIT: Related link.

Ok... So there is all this attention on Scientology lately because Tom Cruise promotes the philosophy like it's his lately movie, War Of The Worlds. Which in a creepy way it kinda... is rather similar. But the original WotW freaked me out so I'm not sure I want to watch this one. If you want to know what I'm talking about in regards to Scientology you can easily look it up. Some of it's more intriguing ideas involve 'rehabilitating the thetan' (read: soul), restoring it's superhuman abilities to control matter, energy, space and time. Sounds like good stuff. When reading up on Scientology don't skim the part about the galactic tyrant who came to Earth and blew up his victims with hydrogen bombs and brain washed them with three-d super colossal motion picture. It's good times!

But I'm not here to make light of the latest craze. I'm more concerned with statements that are being made by actors in regards to Psychiatry and Psychology. Tom Cruise and Brooke Shields have dispensed with warning shots and are going for direct hits when it comes to medication, mental health, and ranting for the media.

If you haven't heard the latest... let me give you the Cliff's Notes version.

-LRon doesn't like psychiatry and psychiatrists.
-Scientology doesn't care for the mental health profession.
-LRon makes claims that Psychiatry has been an agent of repression for billions of years and responsible for inventing pain and sex.
-Tom Cruise is knee-deep in Scientology.
-Tom Cruise criticized Brooke Shields for taking Paxil for post-natal depression. Going on to say that there no such things as chemical imbalances that need to be corrected with drugs, and that depression can be treated with exercise and vitamins.
-Kelly Preston (John Travolta's wife and fellow believer) says that if you are going to advocate taking such drugs you should tell people the potential risks.
-Shields comments back about how obviously Tom has never experienced post partum.

Now that I've lined them up, let me get out my six shooter.

LRon is a science fiction author. Who was under scrutiny for possibly starting a religion for profit.

Remember when there was a whole group of people who were following the Star Wars Jedi code as a religion? What did you think then?

Scientology doesn't have to agree with Psychiatry and Psychology. It is actually offered as an alternative to Psychiatry. I guess in as much of a way as mashed cauliflower is an alternative to mashed potatoes. It's palatable, but deep down you know it's not as what you wanted.

Tom Cruise has the money to be educated in the ways Hubbardism. To be educated to a level of OT III (a high level Scientologist) it costs $360,000.

There are chemical imbalances in the body. Medical fact! Some affecting the brain as well as other parts of the body. They happen all the time. Some are able to be rectified with changes in our lifestyle. Some are not. Some need the assistance of medication and work on the person it's affecting.

It is irresponsible for celebrities to make such statements about an entire profession. Mental Health professionals deal with some of the most serious issues out there. There are a lot of people who go undiagnosed or even those that are over diagnosed. I don't claim that Psychology is perfect. My concerns comes from people in such notable and in-the-news positions making such drastic claims that people who are unable to really investigate such statements for themselves may be lead astray. Not everyone who is on meds needs to be on meds as the sole means to help themselves through an issue. But saying that no one should need to be on meds is not the answer either.

Tom goes on the Today show. He says Matt Lauer doesn't know what Ritalin is, where he does. He tells Matt Lauer:

Cruise: You should be a little bit more responsible in knowing really-

Lauer: I'm not prescribing Ritalin, Tom. And I'm not asking anyone else to do it. I'm simply saying, I know some people who seem to have been helped by it.

Cruise: But you're saying this is a very important issue.

Lauer: I couldn't agree more.

Cruise: It's very... and you know what? You're here on the "Today" show.

Lauer: Right.

Cruise: And to talk about it in a way of saying, "Well, isn't it okay," and being reasonable about it when you don't know and I do, I think that you should be a little bit more responsible in knowing what it is.

Lauer: But...

Cruise: Because you communicate to people.

HELLO!?! Tom!? What are you doing? You're communicating too! He says he knows about Ritalin? What does he know? He claims he wants medical evidence it works. Where is Tom's medical evidence that his claims work? How is he communicating to Johnny Everybody without first asking they pay the price of several new luxury cars?

Let's take a look at Oprah for example. It could be said that she is responsible for thousands of people getting back into reading books. She is very influential and has started many clubs and organizations to promote her beliefs. Her wisdoms are followed by many as a doctrine. If she was to make such claims against any treatment of any kind there would be a media frenzy. Why? Because she is someone that people look up to for advice and for guidance. "She did it and is successful. Why can't I?"

Tom Cruise is in a similar light with his stardom. To go around making such claims and to think that someone somewhere doesn't idolize him and think that if "Tom can do it so can I" is ludicrous bullshit. What happens when someone goes off their meds because someone takes his preachings as truth, but couldn't afford to hear his evidence of his claims?

When Kelly Preston said that the risks of drugs/medication should be told as well... They are. We call it the FDA. They come with every legal prescription. What about the claims Tom is making? Where is LRon's Surgeon General Warning? What about all those people who want to believe what he is saying, but can't afford to sign up because they don't have the money to do so? What will happen to their thetans?

When you are in an influential position you need to be careful of what you say. I wouldn't doubt what Tom says he thinks is spot on. Maybe it's right for him in his life, but that won't be the case for everyone else. Just like Ritalin or Paxil isn't right for everyone.

I hope that someone comes to their sense soon. At the risk of sounding morbid... while it would be tragic, I look sheepishly forward to the day someone blames a celebrity is such a position as this, when his or her life has gone to shit. I hope that would serve as a wake-up call.
I posted this @ 7/01/2005 11:35:00 AM.............Need a link?..........

I'm a 30-something student of human nature. A music-lovin', groove-shakin', laugh-inducin', dish-cookin', gossip-slingin', type of guy. This is my diary of sorts...

100 Things
How Well Do You Know Me?


Olbermann: Gay marriage is a question of love
Gay ex-governor says he's too poor for alimony
-Barack’s Gay Balance
Calif. Supreme Court rejects gay marriage ban
-Where the Bears don't fear to tread
ABBA Melody


"The Day I Helped Kill A Baby" - Joe.My.God.
"Summertime Blues" - Tomato Nation
"Mama Crazy" -
"Something I Will Never Forget" -
"OMG! It's a teenager." - Does This Mean...
"The God of Comedy Setup Lines" - Frolic & Detour
"Can't Handle The Tooth" - Hissyfit

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