The Comical Misadventures of a Rambling Mind

MY _____ IS _____ BECAUSE _____.

1. My username is _____ because ____.
Gotcris because at one point there was a website called "Got l33t?". I just stuck with it after that. I got tired of switching screennames.

2. My name is _____ because ______.
Cris and not Chris because in early junior high I dropped the H to feel like I wasn't my parents child and more like my own person. Long story...

3. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
The Comical Misadventures of a Rambling Mind because I think Mike and I were tossing around name ideas of webcomic that we were making. We ended up going with "Got L33t?". I took the leftover as a blog name. I think it is pretty appropriate for my state of mind.

4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
It doesn't have a name. It's just a list. A blogroll really...

5. My userpic is ____ because ____.
It switches. It's just a random thing.

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I posted this @ 4/01/2008 01:38:00 PM.............Need a link?..........

I'm a 30-something student of human nature. A music-lovin', groove-shakin', laugh-inducin', dish-cookin', gossip-slingin', type of guy. This is my diary of sorts...

100 Things
How Well Do You Know Me?


Olbermann: Gay marriage is a question of love
Gay ex-governor says he's too poor for alimony
-Barack’s Gay Balance
Calif. Supreme Court rejects gay marriage ban
-Where the Bears don't fear to tread
ABBA Melody


"The Day I Helped Kill A Baby" - Joe.My.God.
"Summertime Blues" - Tomato Nation
"Mama Crazy" -
"Something I Will Never Forget" -
"OMG! It's a teenager." - Does This Mean...
"The God of Comedy Setup Lines" - Frolic & Detour
"Can't Handle The Tooth" - Hissyfit

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