The Comical Misadventures of a Rambling Mind


Angelina Jolie recently interviewed with Anderson Cooper on his CNN show 360. I recorded it because, I must admit. I'm fascinated by Angelina.

Let's toss out a couple opinions about what she's been doing lately. My fascination with her doesn't overlook her relationship with the former Mr. Jenifer Aniston, Brad Pitt. I don't know where to exactly place the blame in that love triangle. Let's not forget... Angelina has done some freaky things in her day. If she's not kissing her brother with tongue, she's wearing vials of her husband's blood around her neck. She gave off this odd bisexual vibe for a while. Yay! She's nutty! She's the next big thing! Her 'big things' got her cast as Lara Croft in the film adaption of Tomb Raider.

Now Angelina is being billed as the World's Most Famous Mother. Didn't that title go to Madonna when she reproduced? Twice. Then to Brittney Spears for a while? Note that Famous doesn't equal Good.

What intrigues me about Angelina is her transformation. She went from being wild and crazy where you never knew who she might deep throat tongue kiss to wanting to help all the world's children. Which is... a big step.

About the interview itself, I was a bit disappointed. I should've known that it wouldn't be two full hours of Anderson and Angelina. Yet, in the two hours that it was on I'd say there was only 30 to 40 minutes of actual Angelina Interview. The rest was Anderson Cooper talking about his own experiences visiting refugee camps. While interesting, is not Angelina Jolie. They even re-used some of the same interview footage several times. I heard her talk about her first visit to Sierra Leone three times. Maybe four... I started to fast forward at one point.

So as for how much actual interview there was I was disappointed in seeing. But the actual interview itself was really good. It wasn't a hard hitting interview full of glitz and gossip. Brad Pitt only came up once by her own words referring to him. It was a passing comment and he was barely mentioned. Which is fine with me.

I think what she wants to do is very noble. I think she honestly does care about these people, children in other countries. The countries she films in or visits really do make an impact on her. If she doesn't get her image as a goodwill ambassador too tarnished I can see her being cast in the same light as Princess Di once was.

Jolie freely admitted she gets paid a "stupid amount" for what she does. She says she gives 1/3 of her income to charity. Which, if true, is really impressive. But I don't think she does it to impress. It comes off as genuine. As she was there giving brith to her daughter, Shiloh (I'll get to her in a moment), she brought her own doctor with her in case there were any complications. At one point, she asked the doctor to go to a nearby hospital and see what they might need in terms of supplies or equipment. The doctor returned with a list that mainly consisted of equipment we take for granted here in a non-third world country. Medical personnel at this hospital would listen to the baby's heart beat by holding a wooden implement up to the mother's belly. It would amplify the sound in a very rudimentary way so the doctor could check on the baby.

Fetal heart monitors. Sonograms. Some of the 'basic' things mothers have aren't used. What struck me as 'funny' (ironic, not ha-ha) is that one hospital had the necessary machines, but no paper to put in the machine. So they had to use less than scientific methods of checking heart rhythms. For $1000 they could have enough paper for the machine to last them ten years. So while it may seem like a simple thing for someone to do, I'm fascinated that Angelina Jolie is doing it, because she asks.

When she's in a village, she helps by asking. Rather than donating money to have a hospital named after her she takes her doctor with her and asks what they need. To find out that it might be the simplest of things like paper seems almost laughable. Paper could change a persons life in Namibia.

About her role as a mother, they really didn't talk about that either too my disappointment. Her response to "why Namibia" was pretty basic. "Why not?" Which didn't really answer anything in my opinion. To quote Kathy Griffin, "I have a LOT of questions for Angelina Jolie."

Was this pregnancy planned? Do you want to have more biological children? Do you and Brad want to get married at some point? My questions are a little less CNN and a little more E! Which I'm perfectly fine with admitting.

I'm sure there will be many more 'exclusive' interview with the Most Famous Mother in the future. I'm sure I'll watch them. It's an addiction for me.
I posted this @ 6/22/2006 10:06:00 AM.............Need a link?..........

I'm a 30-something student of human nature. A music-lovin', groove-shakin', laugh-inducin', dish-cookin', gossip-slingin', type of guy. This is my diary of sorts...

100 Things
How Well Do You Know Me?


Olbermann: Gay marriage is a question of love
Gay ex-governor says he's too poor for alimony
-Barack’s Gay Balance
Calif. Supreme Court rejects gay marriage ban
-Where the Bears don't fear to tread
ABBA Melody


"The Day I Helped Kill A Baby" - Joe.My.God.
"Summertime Blues" - Tomato Nation
"Mama Crazy" -
"Something I Will Never Forget" -
"OMG! It's a teenager." - Does This Mean...
"The God of Comedy Setup Lines" - Frolic & Detour
"Can't Handle The Tooth" - Hissyfit

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