The Comical Misadventures of a Rambling Mind


I thought about writing each one of these topics as seperate posts... then I'd have to think of song lyrics that even remotely related to the topic... and it's Monday and I really don't have the desire to start off like that.

Let the rambling begin!!!

Do you ever get a craving for some food and no matter what else you try and satiate your hunger with it just doesn't compare? I was craving Katie's so much when I woke up on Saturday morning that it was actually painful. Typically hunger pangs are what wake me up anyway on the weekends. This was better because at least my body knew what it wanted. Thus, saving me the fruitless trips to the pantry and fridge to find that elusive element that would silence the rumbling beast, that is my tummy.

Katie's, for those of you who aren't local, (I'm big in Europe, you know) is the best Greek restaurant in the city. Perhaps even in several cities. Billie runs Katie's with siblings. What I didn't know until recently is that they are actually related to several other restaurants in town. From my understanding, their cousin runs their competition in the Greek food business. There is also a cousin who runs a pizza place in the metro area. Food runs in the family.

So Katie's... specifically I was craving their saganaki. Greek kasseri cheese, flambeed with brandy and doused with lemon juice. Served with pita, it is tart and tangy and delicious. Now this is on top of their kick ass salad. Specifically their salad dressing, which I would marinate myself in, if I could.

Have you had Tzatziki? A cucumber-y yougurt dip with oregano and garlic. Yum!

I left there feeling full but not bloated full because I eat everything in sight. Even had a dessert (which I rarely do when I go out to eat).

I've not been sleeping well lately. Typically I sleep on my side facing the edge of the bed. Or at least that is the position I fall asleep in. I'm sure I don't stay that way all night. So anyway... I've not been sleeping well and partially due to the fact that I've been sleeping on my side. So I've been waking up with this pain in my side extending up into my bicep, like I've pulled a muscle. So the decision was made to flip sides.

I honestly had no idea that it was going to be such a habit to break to sleep in a different way. But to make an effort lay on my other side has actually been 'confusing' for me. I've been doing this all weekend and at least a handful of times I've woke up and had to orientate myself to where I am.

Do long-time married couples do this? Why do you sleep on the side of the bed you sleep on? Have you ever switched and been thrown out of whack like this? Am I just crazy? Tune in next week!

I watch too much TV as it is. I admit this. Before TiVo and such, I can recall making plans around shows. With it, it is so easy to just record a night of programming and watch it at my convenience. While cooking... or cleaning... or obviously when nothing else is on. The last thing I need is more TV shows to become addicted to viewing. Yet I think it has happened.

You might recall my late arrival into the world of Project Runway. It was a great show and had all the personality and drama, without having to spend a month on a tropical island beach picking sand fleas out of your hair.

In it's absence, Bravo has introduced Top Chef. Chef compete for a job and title of "Top Chef"... which honestly.. who cares about a title. Half of these contestants already think they are Top Chef anyway.

It's delicious television! (Obvious pun.) It has all the making of a dramatic, catty, entertaining series. I started out only 'half-watching'. It was on while I was doing other things. Then just hearing these people talk I'd have to stop and see what the bitching was about.

My favorite episode so far has been the most recent one where the chefs had to prepare meals for 8 to 12 year old boys and girls at a local Boys & Girls Club. Simple? Maybe... Could you do it using mug fish (?) as your secret ingredient?

So I'm thinking that these kids are never going to know. Just make fish sticks and don't tell them it's from the ugliest fish you've ever seen in your life. A fish with angry teeth and skin that looks like a lizard. Easy!

Well, of course it can't be THAT easy. The 'host' (who sucks as a host) gathers all the kids around and in her best FM Morning Radio voice asks the kids who likes chicken. All the kids raise their hands. Another round of who like hamburgers almost gets a standing ovation. "Who likes fish?" [crickets chirping] She then goes on to further set-up the chefs by showing them what the fish they are going to serve them looks like. She might as well... tell them there is no such thing as Santa and the Easter Bunny while she's at it. Cruella then tosses the chefs into the cadre of kids to try and win them over to PLEASE JUST EAT ONE BITE!!! Parents, can you relate?

Well one time devises these corn dog like food which the kids enjoy. The other goes for mug fish nuggets. Muggets? Good luck with those! My favorite part is sommelier, Stephen explaining to the 8-year old girls what a galette is. Because... pre-teen inner city kids are all about the French cuisine.

So let's recap... Greek. Bed. Top Chef. Yup. Sounds like rambling to me.
I posted this @ 3/27/2006 12:19:00 PM.............Need a link?..........

I'm a 30-something student of human nature. A music-lovin', groove-shakin', laugh-inducin', dish-cookin', gossip-slingin', type of guy. This is my diary of sorts...

100 Things
How Well Do You Know Me?


Olbermann: Gay marriage is a question of love
Gay ex-governor says he's too poor for alimony
-Barack’s Gay Balance
Calif. Supreme Court rejects gay marriage ban
-Where the Bears don't fear to tread
ABBA Melody


"The Day I Helped Kill A Baby" - Joe.My.God.
"Summertime Blues" - Tomato Nation
"Mama Crazy" -
"Something I Will Never Forget" -
"OMG! It's a teenager." - Does This Mean...
"The God of Comedy Setup Lines" - Frolic & Detour
"Can't Handle The Tooth" - Hissyfit

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