I'm Too Sexy by Right Said Fred
I don't get fashion. I've never been a slave to fashion. I wear what I like. I'm not saying that I wear oddly looking clothes just because I like to stand out. I mean I don't understand why people would wear something even tho it is uncomfortable, inappropriate for the situation, or even just plain stupid looking... but it's 'in.'
I've been working in the schools for a little over a month now and I just don't get why some people (females specifically for this example) will wear flip flops, a mini skirt, and a tank top. Mind you... the weather is decent, but still chilly.
Are these people not chilly?
Even when I was in college there would be these bulky football players (one or two only) that would wear a huge puffy Starter jacket, shorts, and sandals... in snow.
I do think there is a certain madness that goes on in some people.
I'm going to write a grant... get some money... and study it.